Fully Automatic Washing Machine – A Must Have Appliance in Your Home

Fully Automatic Washing Machine

If you’re looking for a way to simplify your laundry experience, there’s an appliance on the market that just may be perfect for you. The fully automatic washing machine is a home appliance that allows you to load it up and start running a load without much input. Let’s take a look at how this helpful device works and what to consider before buying one.

What is a fully automatic washing machine?

The fully automatic washing machine has been around for some time. It is a very popular type of washing machine lately in India. The name “fully automatic” comes from the fact that it does not require any human interaction while it’s running – the user simply can place clothes in the washer and press start.

This feature is often touted as a convenience, especially for those who find it difficult or fiddly to use a typical washing machine. For many, the ability to load up the washer and not worry about it is both convenient and welcome.


How does the fully automatic washing machine work?

The fully automatic washing machine works very similarly to other types of washing machines with a few exceptions. It has a large drum for clothes to be placed in and water is pumped from the tank when needed (similar to most washing machines), but it also has two hoses that connect to the hose connector to siphon off excess water at the end of the cycle – this allows not only for faster drying time but also allows for a smaller water tank (as there is not as much water to pump out).

To start the cycle, the user simply sets what kind of wash they want and puts their laundry inside. Then, the user presses “start” and the washing machine takes it from there! The washer will fill itself with appropriate amounts of water and soap and set the right amount of water pressure. The machine will also measure how dirty the clothes are and sort them accordingly so that they come out as clean as possible.

When it’s done, everything will be spun around in the drum to make sure there aren’t any loose socks or undergarments left behind. Then, the two hoses will siphon off the extra water and the machine will stop when it’s full of clothes but empty of excess water.


Types of fully automatic washing machines

If you’re planning on buying a fully automatic washing machine, there are two main types to choose from – top loaders and front loaders.

Top loading washers generally have just one drum. This is a traditional style of washer and most older versions fit this description. They generally tend to be larger and require more space for storage.

Front loading washing machine is a lot smaller than top loaders and has its drum placed horizontally instead of vertically. They tend to be more modern and are considered by some to be a little bit easier to use. However, it must be noted that front loaders have a reputation for being more expensive than top loading washing machines. While they tend to last for quite some time, this may turn off some users who think that the premium price tag isn’t worth the extra cost.


How to choose the right one for your home?

Today, there are a variety of fully automatic washing machines available on the market. It is important to take into consideration what kind of features you want your washer to have before making a purchase.

If you’re looking for something basic and simple, some lower-end models might be enough for your needs. However, in order to get more advanced features, you may need to shell out some extra cash.

One of the most important things to consider is whether or not you want a fully automatic washing machine that can also be used as a dryer. In this case, you’ll need to make sure that the machine allows for drying time in addition to washing time – otherwise your clothes are going to end up soaking wet.

All in all, it is important to do your research before purchasing a fully automatic washing machine. There are plenty of models on the market and it is important to find one that meets your needs and demands.


Benefits and Drawbacks

While the fully automatic washing machine certainly has some advantages, it also has a few drawbacks. Here are a few of the most common benefits and drawbacks to consider.


  • Easy to use and automatically does the work for you.
  • More efficient when doing large loads of laundry.
  • Machine turns into a dryer, no need to wait for clothes to dry in between cycles.
  • Do not need frequent scrubbing of clothes or any manual intervention since it possesses in-built mechanisms for cleaning and removing stains from fabrics automatically.
  • The washers come with different programs that cater to every type of washing requirement.
  • More convenient as it saves time for the user and thus reduces workload.
  • Suitable for housewives who are busy in their daily chores of cleaning and cooking.



  • More expensive than regular washing machines.
  • Requires more space for storage due to larger size of drum.
  • Noise level can be excessive.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does fully automatic washing machine dry clothes?

People often wonder if these washing machines also dry clothes. The answer to this question is yes, but it takes longer than 8 minutes. This can be an issue when you’re in a hurry.


2. Can fully automatic washing machine be used as semi automatic?

Fully automatic washers do not have any manual or semi-automatic modes, so they cannot be used as anything other than fully automatic.


3. Is fully automatic front loader better than top loader?

It is a common notion that front loaders are better than top loaders; however, it is really just a matter of preference – there isn’t really any kind that is “better” than the other.


4. What are the best brands of fully automatic washing machine?

LG, Bosch, Samsung, IFB are some of the most popular washing machine brands in India that you could consider buying if you intend to use one.



Fully automatic washing machines are often a very good investment if you want to save time and money (in the long run) while doing laundry. They can be used for both washing and drying clothes, which may be more useful than even some combination washer/dryers. We hope this article has helped you in learning more about this machine.